Hi Doug, On the single...
1) Set your stance toward your target (across I'm assuming)
2) Rotate your torso downstream toward your line on the dangle
3) Make a smooth even lift and sweep upstream by rotating your torso, don't lift too high, trust that the line will go where the tip goes.
Try to avoid quickly ripping the line off the water, sometimes this will load the rod and when the line breaks free it spring the line upstream (tension cast). You can try a couple different lifts here to get the line free; maybe a small vertical lift and some wiggles, or a small flick vertically or even a tiny spiral to break the surface tension. Get it quietly off the water, then smooth sweep.
4) When the rod tip gets to the corner (just upstream from you, the point where you start to rotate it around you, accelerate lightly from here into the backcast D loop. Try to make this a straight motion; it should pull the line opposite your target. (If you need to, you can slightly lower the tip at this part of the sweep to make sure the line hits the water, but not too much; you want the tip of the line and the leader to hit the water straight and opposite your target.) Raise the tip up behind you to form the D loop. Wait for the line tip to touch down, the anchor set.
5) With the anchor set, go into your forward delivery cast.
Sounds like your very close to getting the timing right. A few more shots and you should be on the money
For a varient that sounds a little fancy (not really) but gets the anchor down ... At step 3, lift higher and up to the corner, snap the tip under the line (flick the tip under the moving line). This will send the line high and upstream. While the line is still flying out, for step 4 pull the line down out of the air toward where you'd like the anchor, sweep into the D. Wait for it... Fire!
If this makes no sense at all...
check these links
http://www...g/tsinglespeyright.shtml and search/ask that forum