Went up to Graeagle Thursday, spent the weekend and fished around a bit. Hit the Little Truckee north of Truckee on Thursday, was a little surprised water was as low as it was last October or so. Caught a half dozen smallish fish--was a little disappointed that the friendly folks who chatted with me and my girlfriend started fishing about 50 yards upstream from us. Did a little bit of fishing in the Middle Fork Feather and caught a few there, too, in a few spots. Checked out Nelson Creek for 45 minutes or so one day, and caught two nice browns. Beautiful stream and setting, and an entertaining old prospector to talk with, too. North Fork Yuba, Haypress Creek down on 49 were fishing well. Seems like fish were pretty much where they were supposed to be. Such beautiful streams up there. Felt like staying another week--or at least making another trip this fall.