10 days with Ed K and UC! An adventure in itself. 7 days on the Owhyee in Oregon castin gsize 18 dry flys to sipping browns, big browns in the 18" plus size.
Then 3 days at Bidwell Ranch in California, again Casting flies or nymphs to rising fish.
THE DRIVE - In one 80 some mile stretch we passed maybe a dozen cars. They paint straight lines in Oregon.
MINI BASH - Victor, Thomas (and 2 kids), Betty, and Sanger Dave met up with us for a Mini Bash
THE COUNTRY - Rugged, vast, empty, yet gorgeous, all at the same time.
BUGS - BWO emerger was my hot fly. Notice the insects in the web. The spider is about the size of a nickle. If bugs were out, fish were up.
THE WIND - It was comical whatching this blue heron land, battle the wind, steady himself, fall off, and then right himself on this rock.
OWHYEE bROWN - Average fish
Bidwell Ranch
that's all folks