I got into spey rods and casting big time about two years ago. I even puchased a 4 weight spey rod to fish the Lower Sac. The lighter spey rods are a fun tool.
Regarding the switch rod the advise I was given is why buy a switch when you already have a single hand rod. With that said I am not sure there is all that much difference anymore, the spey rods have gotten shorter, my 4 weight is only 12'6" and one of my 7 weight's is only 13".
If I was asked for one piece of advise regarding spey casting I would say take a casting lesson from a good instructor. I find that spey casting is easier, at least for me, than single hand casting. Two excellant instructors are Justin Miller, The Fly Shop, and Jeff Putnam in Sacramento.
The new line that I find interesting is the intermediate MOW tips.
I would be very interested in an Eel trip since I was thinking of heading over there to explore.