The whole document is a "Wise Use" manifesto, which focuses on protecting mining, grazing, timber and other extractive industries at the expense of any environmental concerns. This is more a power grab by extractive industries in the Northern end of Siskiyou County than it is a money grab, and it grows out of the Klamath fight and the fight over water and habitat along the Scott and Shasta rivers.
Other passages include:
...Siskiyou County opposes any additional designations of Wild and Scenic Rivers in the
...Siskiyou County concurs with studies that the impact of suction dredge mining on fisheries and aquatic life is temporary, localized and di minimis;
...Current grazing allotments shall be continued and principally managed to produce forage to support maximum carrying capacity by domestic livestock;
...Traditional use of grazing allotments for livestock grazing will take precedence over other competing uses;
What's most irritating about this is the timing; significant progress is being made in partnerships between enviro groups and ranchers/ag/timber, and to throw this "wise use" idiocy into the mix is irresponsible.