You're right, Bjorn. The dewatering of the Scott and Shasta continues because the powers that be refuse to do the right thing. Or anything.
FYI, here's the e-mail I just sent to the five contacts in the original post:
I just read about Siskiyou County's plan to declare the Upper Sacramento, the McCloud and other rivers non-navigable, thereby removing anglers' access to fish these blue ribbon fisheries. Faced with the history of the economic devastation caused by the Cantara Loop spill it seems inconceivable to me that such a short-sighted decision could be made. I'm confident you will receive e-mails from people who are concerned about this, but be assured there are many more who visit Siskiyou primarily to pursue the fantastic recreational opportunities afforded by the area's fisheries, and removing access will remove all of the dollars those visitors bring to your area. Extractive industries are finite. Resources like the Upper Sac and the McCloud can and should be infinite. There may be short term benefits for property holders in the area, but if the hotels, motels, restaurants, gas stations, retail outlets and others lose the dollars that tourists bring, Dunsmuir, Mt. Shasta City, and other local towns will be decimated.
Please think carefully about the consequences of your actions.
Andrew Weiner