but .....It's been four years ago now, that I was informed that had a malignant tumor residing I my upper colon. That was profoundly life altering ten second sentence that my doctor uttered, one I wish on no living thing.
In truth it's been a very terrifying road to travel. One that I could have quite possibly avoided had I had a colonoscopy earlier in my life. No time,work,distractions,denial, all kinds of crap jumped in the way for me to avoid the procedure. It was easy to put it off. I mean who the hell wants "that" to be done to them.
Finally doing the dirty deed turns out to have saved my life. Put it in a huge tailspin for a bit, but I'm on this side of the dirt and grateful every waking second for the second chance. I had the procedure done last week and the results came back clear. so far so good.
Don't be stupid or vain...get it done... like now!... if not sooner