Didn't mention this about my BC trip, but I brought a new wand with me to Canuk-land. It was the new Sage Z-Axis 7 wt. 11 foot switch rod. Keine's set me up with the rod and spey instructor Jeff Putnam turned me on to a nice Beulah Elixer 5/6 line, which loaded the switch rod just fine.
It took a day or two of getting used to the length, but once I became proficient it was REALLY sweet. That extra length redefined my mending abilities, casting distance and ability to (finally) spey cast.
Spey has been my bane, but with this rod I was actually able to cast with my back against a steep bank, although it sure wasn't pretty! Landed a nice steelie with one of those casts, too.
Just wanted to pass this equipment info on to you all.