I landed my first fish (juvenile steelhead) on on 3wt bamboo rod that I had made for my birthday.

Fly Away Frank built the rod. It is a sweet 8' 3wt bamboo fly rod with dry fly action. I have caught fish on it before but never landed one. You will see the bamboo rod in Dawn's pictures of me on the Mad River trip. What fun !
I caught lots of 3" fish that I wondered how they got their mouths on my size 18 dry fly. I caught my 1st steelheads using a red copper john.

Lots of hits by the smaller fish who couldn't get the fly in their mouths. Then, there were the flying steelhead. They were so small that you didn't even know that you caught them until youbegan your backcast and wondered why does the rod feel different. Then you saw them and your mouth dropped opened.
Lots of fun were had by all.