Heenan Lake References:
Heenan Lake is now owned by California Dept of Fish and Game and used to raise endsangered trophy Lahanton cutthroat trout. It was acquired by the Wildlife Conservation Board in 1992. Heenan Lake was completed in 1929 and has capacity of 3,100 af covering 124 acres. The crest of the earth dam is at 7,083 ft and is 39 ft high and 600 ft long. Heenan Dam impounds a tributary of the East Fork of the Carson River in Alpine County, off Hwy-89. The water is still used for irrigation.
Lake Map
Catch and Release only. Artificial lures & flies with barbless hooks. Open Friday before Labor Day to last Sunday in October only on Fri, Sat, and Sundays. Electric motors only, no boats with trailers.
Skitt fiske!