I believe the Seine river may be a tributary to Rock Creek, not sure. But I got there after a long walk from the Louvre, rather than going to a brasserie for beuf, I decided to just get a hot dog and a Coke and walked down the steps right to where the river laps up on the steps and sat down under the lights of the Eifle tower(the one place where one can find other Americans), the sun had just set. When everyone and everything around you is in French including sirens, and telephones, it is a familiar relief to just sit and listen to the lapping water and watch the ripples. People make speak different languages but the rivers, the pigeons, the dogs, the sycamores are about the same everywhere. However, with that being said, crows are different...now I am in Milan and the black crows sound different...much more forboding. I reckon an Italian crow could peck the crap out of an American crow..just a hunch.
I accidentally attended mass today...I sat down in some huge cathedral near the Duomo. It was really beautiful, designed by Richini, large domes with renaisance art..I sat in a pew to relax and I did notice some fella lighting some candles, anyway I was too tired to get up. People started to come in and sit down, they then closed the huge wooden doors. So I stayed and did the whole mass thing. It was humbling to contemplate God in such a historic cathedral so close to where it all started. It was all in Italian...but just like rivers God is the same in Italy as anywhere.
One point of interest, here in Milan it is the Elle and Marie Claire fashion show week at the Duomo...theres not much to say bout it really. Might take several thousand words. Though one thing I have grown fond of is the women here that wear mini-skirts, leather boots and ride Vespas...that is so damned cool.
Ok...I think I covered it all...
Rivers, God and Women...
Hope all is well in Norcal!
Le Starshiptroutier