Shawn (User)
Expert Poster
Posts: 126
San Luis Mini Bash 17 Years, 5 Months ago
There's gonna be some folks getting together at San Luis/O'neill the weekend of Oct 20th. If you're interested lemme know.
Last Edit: 2007/09/30 19:12 By Shawn.
Reason: My spelling was all fucked up so I fixed it.
A true trout bum is one who has commitments and responsibilities but won't give in. He doesn't run away to escape them, he just ignores them and goes fishing.......
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RAS (User)
Fresh Poster
Posts: 14
Re:San Luis Mini Bash 17 Years, 5 Months ago
Hi Shawn,
I plan to be at the Forebay on the 19th and to fish through most of the weekend.We camp to the west of the power lines on the south side.The bite should be good.The Forebay is one of my favorite places to fish and stripers a great flyrod fish!
Look forward to meeting some Board members and finding some double didgit fish!
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Shawn (User)
Expert Poster
Posts: 126
Re:San Luis Mini Bash 17 Years, 5 Months ago
Hey RAS,
I'm not quite sure yet what the plan is but we usually camp in the area you mentioned, west of the power lines. Brians is planning on being there the 19th but the rest probably won't get there until the 20th. I'm going to send out a group e-mail probably tomorrow and hopefully get everyone to chime in on where we'll camp and when they plan to be there, stuff like that. If you want to be included in the e-mail send me you e-mail addy and I'll ad you to the list
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So far it looks like it's going to be Me, SangerDave, Brians, Charliej and Scandiman. Shawn
A true trout bum is one who has commitments and responsibilities but won't give in. He doesn't run away to escape them, he just ignores them and goes fishing.......
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John S (User)
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Posts: 155
Don't forget to include Roaddog 17 Years, 5 Months ago
I think SLR was one of his favorite places after the last Bash there.
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G.M. (Admin)
Posts: 690
:lol 17 Years, 5 Months ago
Yeah - I think he had some pretty choice words for that place.
In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.
-Thomas Jefferson
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Re:San Luis Mini Bash 17 Years, 5 Months ago
Hey Shawn,
Beerchaser might join as well.
My plan is to get there at sunrise on the 20th, stay sat night, fish Sun morn, then boogie home.
Can't wait!
Isn't fun the best thing to have?
- Dudley Moore (as Arthur)
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Betty (User)
Expert Poster
Posts: 151
Re:San Luis Mini Bash 17 Years, 5 Months ago
Hi Shawn:
I'm very interested in hooking up that weekend at San Luis. Please keep me informed. Where meeting, when, etc. Camping??? thanks
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Betty (User)
Expert Poster
Posts: 151
Re:San Luis Mini Bash 17 Years, 5 Months ago
Hi Shawn:
I'm very interested in hooking up that weekend at San Luis. Please keep me informed. Where meeting, when, etc. Camping??? thanks
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SteveH (User)
Fresh Poster
Posts: 6
Re:San Luis Mini Bash 17 Years, 5 Months ago
Hey Shawn,
I'm keeping that weekend free. Let me know the details. Might even get down there Friday evening.
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brians (User)
Senior Poster
Posts: 43
Re:San Luis Mini Bash 17 Years, 5 Months ago
Hey Stevie,
Some folks should be showing up Friday afternoon/evening. Thinking about camping under the power lines, on the southeast side of the lake. Hope you can make it.
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Betty (User)
Expert Poster
Posts: 151
Hey Shawn 17 Years, 4 Months ago
Is this gathering a go even if rain?? Looks like Saturday could be small chance of showers.
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brians (User)
Senior Poster
Posts: 43
Hey Betty 17 Years, 4 Months ago
Can't speak for anyone else, but I plan on being there.....rain or shine. Last trip out there was very slow for me, so there's payback to be had.
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