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TOPIC: Re:What's This?
pgw (User)
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What's This? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
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It ain't no stranger character than most others who post (or used to post) hers!
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"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend...and inside a dog, it is too dark to read!" G. Marx
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pgw (User)
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Re:What's This? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
And yes, I did all that crap, still no post!

It must be the Revisionist Moderators' filer to keep pure thought off the board.

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"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend...and inside a dog, it is too dark to read!" G. Marx
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Phil (Admin)
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Re:What's This? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
Hmmmmmm......on the preview drop-down on the home page, I can see a portion of this post. But when I click on it, I get the error you have below. I'm at a loss.
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I am haunted by waters.
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Dustin Rocksvold (Admin)
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Re:What's This? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
Hey Paul, which version of IE are you posting your messages from? Are you cutting and pasting from other software like MS Word, or just typing straight into the box? Are you putting emoticons in all the posts, maybe in the Subject? Are you trying to post from another feed reader or email program? I am just trying to help see if I can figure out what might be causing it.

I have had issues using Joomla 1.5.7 and pasting into the TinyMCE Editor that throws the layout of the page off due to the formatting from Word, but never a message that says the item could not be retrieved.
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pgw (User)
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Re:What's This? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
IE 6.0

Some posts are a Cut and past from MSWord 2003, some are typed directly onto this bored's message box, and others like the "what's This?" post were a Cut and Past from the message received when I clicked on what I thought was the post.

I stopped using characters like the amphersand instead of the word, "and", because when some characters are used a really screwed up combination of letters and characters is posted.

I only use the "enter" button to begin new lines, just like I was taught by Mrs Johnson in my 8th grade typing class and which was reinforced by many years of using the Stanford (yecch) Model and Manuel for term papers and thesis'.

No emoticons have been inserted into the posts that were screwed up by the bored software.

I appreciate your questions and trying to diagnose the problems with this software but as one of the steering committee and moderators hs indicated, and he's a programer, he doesn't know what the problem is. If a great mind like that can't figure out the problem, what can a mere user like me do?

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"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend...and inside a dog, it is too dark to read!" G. Marx
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Buzz (Admin)
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Re:What's This? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
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Our tradition is that of the first man who sneaked away to the creek
when the tribe did not really need fish.
~Roderick Haig-Brown
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pgw (User)
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No thanks, I don't want to encourage censorship 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
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"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend...and inside a dog, it is too dark to read!" G. Marx
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pgw (User)
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There's already been enough on this site. 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
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"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend...and inside a dog, it is too dark to read!" G. Marx
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Buzz (Admin)
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Re:No thanks, I don't want to encourage censorship 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
Then stop complaining, Paul.
Either you want someone to work on the problem or you don't.
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Our tradition is that of the first man who sneaked away to the creek
when the tribe did not really need fish.
~Roderick Haig-Brown
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The_Keeper_of_the_Light (User)
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Re:No thanks, I don't want to encourage censorship 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
Buzz wrote:
Then stop complaining, Paul.
Either you want someone to work on the problem or you don't.

The Shepherd feels the need to chime in here. It is this lousy attitude as to why this forum's participation has dropped off( literally right off the face of the internet...) so badly in the opinion of the Shepherd. Everyone has had these issues, not just Paul. Instead of bashing Paul for bringing it to your attention, would you rather he just disappear so that you can remain in denial? That's the message your sending.

Let's recap:

Hashpipe switches us over to the current revisionistware.

People immediately start complaining about how slow this forum is to load, how impossible it is to navigate, how the revisionistware seems to have a mind of it's own and can change from an ascending to a descending post view and vice versa everytime one logs in.

The Hitleration staff finally comes out of denial that the fact this software has rendered what used to be the "'Board" to the "Bored" when fully 80 percent of the people who used to post here, have elected to deal with the problems by simply electing to dissapear and not deal with it. To potentially solve the problems, the Hitleration staff has a "meeting of the minds" at a bash, nearly a year later and finally concludes: "Yes, there are some issues and maybe we should attempt to fix some of those.."

Ya think?

Yet, the Bored still takes longer to load than it took for the neanderthalers took to go extinct.

Still whenever one logs on, one is left wondering if one should read up for the new posts, read down for the new posts, or if one clicks on "2" is one paging forward to the newer posts or paging backward for the older ones? One is left wondering what one should do if one cannot read his/her own posts or someone elses for that matter.

The whole "Oh we've looked at the problem and are at a loss!" attitude ain't gonna fix the issue. No shit your at a loss, that's clear as the light of the day.

The Shepherd will pose the question again: Where the Hell is Hashpipe? The Shepherd feels that the 'Pipe is the Hitlerator that is most likely to be able to fix some of these issues.........

The Shepherd feels that these issues should be fixed or the revisionistware should be scrapped. The Shepherd tends dozens of internet flocks and this is the only one that is forced to graze on a broken forum. It's also the only one where the issues have been pointed out, and the team running said broken forum, seems to get pissed off when people point out just how broken this place is. FIX THE ISSUES OR SCRAP THIS SHITTY, MALFUNCTIONING SOFTWARE WITH ALL IT'S SUPPOSED BELLS AND WHISTLES, AND NIFTY FEATURES THAT ADD NOTHING IN FAVOR OF SOMETHING THAT WORKS! WHAT GOOD IS A SUNROOF AND GPS IN A FORD PINTO THAT BARELY RUNS!

The Shepherd
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****** News Flash*****

The Shepherd is currently offering the Sheeople of this flock a chance to enroll in the Shepherd's Character Building course! For the small, nominal fee of $750 dollars, the Shepherd will travel to the Norcal location of your chosing, on a day and time that is convenient for you. Upon your arrival, the Shepherd will glove up and proceed to kick your ass up one side and down the other! Your asswhipping is guaranteed to include all of the following elements: cuts, abrasions, contusions, severe trama induced facial swelling, blackeyes, a fatlip or two, and significant but not life threatening blood loss! As a special bonus, you asswhipping may include the following: minor to medium severity concussions, a broken nose, bruised orbitals, califlower ear, and other assorted medium severity injuries. The Shepherd similarly guarantees that your asswhipping will NOT result in the following: broken limbs, fractured ribs, skull fractures, severe brain damage, or any other injuries that can be considered life threatening or altering, or that require prolonged medical treatment. However, if at any time during your asswhipping you elect to fight back, no such guarantee shall be given. Your whipping shall conclude with the landing of a flush power shot delivered with full leverage! This 'finishing touch' is likewise guaranteed to knock you into the middle of next week and render you into a perfect state of unconsciousness or your money back! Members of the flock whom the Shepherd is not fond of will qualify for a 50% discount!

"If it doesn't kill you, it serves to make you stronger" -The Shepherd

"The Trinity Dam Project will not result in the diversion of a single, solitary bucket of water."- Clair Engle, Former Senator, Crossdresser, Revisionist

"You should never trust a dude named after a chick!"- The Shepherd, Purveyor of the Truth, Angler extraordinaire, Living Legend

"Blinded by the light, wrapped up like a douche, another revisionist in the night!- Bruce Springsteen

"Tell me about those early rounds. When you were coming out what did you want to establish and prove in those first few rounds?" -Larry Merchant

"Establish who was gonna be the boss. There can only be one boss in here. I am the boss. This is my house. I live here."- Marlon Starling

"When the Shepherd talks, everybody listens!" E. F. Hutton

The Shepherd is also starting a hedge fund where members of the Shepherd's flock will be guaranteed a 25% annual rate of return! For more information about how you can become a member of the Shepherd's select flock, please send an e-mail containing all your account numbers to:

"....Yes we can!...."- Osama Obama, President, Eternal optimist and Harbinger of the Imminent Financial Doom!

"....No you can't!...." - The Shepherd, Prince of Economic Prognostication

"The S&P 500 shall come to be known as the S&P 300 by the end of 2009." -The Shepherd

"Citi and Morgan Stanley shall become one and merge into an offspring known as 'City Morgue'."- The Shepherd

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheeople's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves." - The Shepherd

"In the Shepherd we trust, everyone else we monitor." - The Minions of the Truth™

"The darkness of fraud and deception ALWAYS retreats from the LIGHT OF THE TRUTH™!" - The Shepherd

"Everything is better in moderation, particularly moderation." - The Shepherd

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the fraud and the deception of the evil revisionists. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, that shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness for he is truly his brother's keeper and the savior of blind sheeople" - The Shepherd

"And the Shepherd said:'Let there be light!' and there was light; the darkness retreated and the truth was revealed!" - An enlightened sheeople

"Baaaaaaa!" - A blind sheeople

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning.... smells like... victory." - Lt. Col. Bill Kilgore

"...I wanna announce my presence with authority..." - Nuke Laloosh

"ARRRRrrrrrrrrGGGGGHHHHH!" - Godzilla

"Sing me a song, and you're a singer,do me a wrong and you're a bringer of evil." - Ronnie James Dio

"Receiver of light, the Kingdom of the Shepherd shall guide you and keep you from a restless heart, Deceiver of night, the revisionist that lies within you is the reason for your restless heart...." -Tony Martin

"We are poor little lambs, who have lost our way. Baa! Baa! Baa!" - The Flock

"...Put the hashpipe down...."-Greg "Hashpipe" Miller

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pgw (User)
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Re:What's This? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
Just to clarify things, I'm pointing out problems with the software that runs this bored, similar observations have been reported (report site questions or problems here) in this area ever since the change was made from the former non-efficient format to this enhanced version that is so frigging user friendly.

As an interested user who perceives that his contributions have been, are being, and will be modified/censored by some (but not all) steering committee members and moderators, I am concerned that "bugs" in the software is an euphemism for acts of censorship by Revisionist Hitlerators.

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"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend...and inside a dog, it is too dark to read!" G. Marx
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