Publishing Articles
Written by Phillip Fischer
This is a brief overview of some of the new features offered for publishing articles on the NCFFB Main Pages.

Article Content: We welcome users to contribute articles to the new NCFFB. Articles should generally relate to some aspect of fly fishing or be relevant to the user community. Articles should not contain any offensive or profane language and should be suitable for all age groups. Articles can be supplemented with pictures and other media, such as video, etc. Submissions should be the users own work. Copyrighted materials from other sources will not be published without the express approval of the copyright holder. The NCFFB reserves the right to edit or refuse material to ensure it is suitable for use on the site.

Approval: All articles being published on the NCFFB Main pages must be reviewed and approved by the site Steering Committee before the article is posted on the main pages. We want to keep the site content fresh and will renew the home page on a regular basis with new content as articles are submitted. It may be a few days to a couple weeks before your article is published as articles are rotated to the main page.

How to Add Articles: You can simply use the Article Submission Form to submit articles. This link can also be found in "My Menu".

Article Layout: Article Layouts are easy to administer. There are three main text boxes for each article; Title, Intro Text, and Main Text. The Title will become the title for your article on the main page when published. The Intro Text, will accompany the title on the main page and should serve as a brief introduction to your article. It generally should be no more than a sentence or two. The Main Text is the body of the article, which will open when the reader accesses the article page.

Formatting: The new NCFFB offers powerful editing tools to help make your articles look professional. It is best to edit all content in a WORD (or similar) and cut and paste to the new site when complete. The new board offers a wide array of formatting options, many of which you'll find similar to WORD, and some that are unique. Here's some tips on a few of the more unique buttons we've been using recently:

  • C
MS are the most exciting.....')" src="mambots/editors-xtd/mosxtypo11.gif" alt="" /> This is used for creating a Large Character or word at the beginning of an article or paragraph and adds a "publisher look" to your article.
  • buttonAllows for addition of highlighted text. Copy a brief sentence or clause out of your article to highlight to the reader! The Right and Full buttons next to this one perform similar tasks.
  • Just for Carpy, we've added a spell checker!
  • Preview To preview the final format of your article.
  • Inserts a new table You can insert and edit tables within your article.
  • Placing Pictures in Your Article: It is easy to add pictures to your article, but takes a couple of steps. To start, you will need to upload your pictures to a web hosting location like Flickr, or there is an option to upload pictures to your Profile on the NCFFB. Once you have your pictures out on the web, open the picture, right click and copy the URL. You'll need this to copy onto the image manager in the next steps. Locate the place in your article where you want to embed a picture. It is a good formatting practice to add a line before and after the picture within the article. Press the "Insert Image" Button (located on the center toolbar between the intro text box and the main text box, first button on the left), which will insert a character like this: {mos-image} . Highlight this text fully and hit the "Insert/Edit Image" button located on the second button from the left on the fourth row of the main toolbar above Insert/Edit Image . This button will open the Image Manager and allow you to paste the URL from the first step, and then fill in title, description, etc. There are also image formatting options available on the image manager box. Play with the options until you get the look you're hoping for. Once you've completed filling out the required fields, hit the "Insert" button at the bottom of the Image Manager pop up box and your image should now be embedded in your article.

    Inserting Links: Inserting links to other web-pages is easy. This tool is often used to link several articles together on the same subject, or to reference resources within other web pages within the body of an article. Type in text which references the page to which you would like to link. For example: " September Fly of the Month". Highlight this text and click on the Link Button which is the last item on the right in the second row of the formatting toolbars. It looks like this: Insert/Edit Link. This will open a pop up box where you can enter the URL and other link information. It is useful to set the "Target" to "Open in a new Window" so your reader is not taken away from the body of your article. Additionally, you will need to designate the type of link using the drop down box on the bottom of the pop up box.

    Discussion Link to the Board: We recommend establishing a discussion link with the Board on all posted articles. The location of this link should be in the Intro Text Box, so that it shows up on the main page. The new site makes this extremely easy. Place your cursor where you want to insert the link. Click on the Fireboard DiscussBot button on the last row of the menu above. The button looks like: FireBoard DiscussBot . This will open a simple pop up box to enable a link to be established to your article. Click on the appropriate category and there will be a link embedded in your article, and will concurrently establish a thread on the Board where Board participants can comment on and discuss your article. One can view commentary on your article from either location. Alternatively, copy and paste the following string into the Intro Text box a line below your introductory text. You'll need to add a closing Parathesis to complete the string } :


    Completion and publication: Once you've completed an article for publication, make sure you save the article by clicking on the Save button. To publish, you will need to contact the Steering Committee to publish to the selected page via email or private message. The list of steering Committee Members is located on the Main Menu. Or link to message the Site Administrator at the following: Email Site Administrator . If you're having any difficulties with the publication process, please contact the site administrator, or a Steering Committee member for help. Good luck, and thanks for contributing!


    Last Updated Tuesday, 04 December 2007
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