Humbled By Steel |
Written by Arizona Bruce | |
Tuesday, 03 March 2009 | |
S omewhere between disappointing and tragic lies the adjective that describes my February 2009 annual NorCal winter steelheading trip. The stock market fared better than I did.![]() Arizona Bruce I’ve steelhead fished every February since 2002, when I caught my first steelie on the American, and nothing comes close to my poor catch rate of this year. I landed 10 fish in 21 days of fishing. It took me 4 days to land my first metalhead and I went zero for 7 days, at one point.
When I arrived in late January, the drought had all rivers low and gin clear. Then, in a complete turn around, the rains came 12 days later and blew out the coastals. I was able to fish the Russian for the first time, as that normally muddy river was low and clear. I heard it had been fishing well a few days before, but saw no fish hooked that day. I did have a humorous sea lion experience, though. With the steelhead often traveling along the shorelines, the sea lions create quite a commotion when chasing them in shallow water. The mammals displace a lot of water in the shallows, and with the water coming up and over their streamlined bodies, they create “domes” as large as the top half of a VW Beetle. The smaller domes in front of them are the fleeing steelhead. While fishing in the river, I heard a loud splashing behind me. I turned to see a sea lion closing in on a fish. For a moment it raised its head above water. I bellowed “HEY”, and it looked at me. Wagging my forefinger at the fish killer, I shouted, “You leave that fish alone!!” The critter stopped and looked at me. Ha! The steelie escaped. “You heard me, you leave that fish alone”, I scolded, wagging my finger again. He continued looking at me a moment longer, and then was gone. Mission accomplished. I normally fish four of five rivers in February, three of which have hatcheries. With the historical runs depleted, the additional hatchery fish make for a higher success rate, but this year the rivers did not readily give up their steel. I got killed on the American. Only one fish landed in 4 days. I tried a number of spots that I’d never fished, to no avail. There were few fish being landed. Runs that would normally be overrun with fisherman had only one or two guys fishing them. The Mad and Trinity were tough too. I caught a few on those rivers, but nothing like the past 7 years. On the positive side, I had a super time fishing with a number of friends, but we all would have liked to have landed more fish. Only Jay Clark (“littlehoover” on the NCFFB) had a decent day when he hooked 4 and landed 2 in one hour, while swinging on the Mad. (I was nymphing.) The next day we swung the river all day without a bump. Even the bait guys were complaining about the fishing there. There was a bright spot. While fishing a small coastal that I’d fished 6 or 7 times prior without a grab, I landed a 13” sea run cut early in the day. It didn’t fight much on an 8 wt., but I’d always wanted to see one. Toward evening, a large wild steelie grabbed my red egg and fought like hell for 45 seconds while I tried to steer it away from a submerged log. The knot failed. THE KNOT FAILED! That’s inexcusable. Fly fishing 101 - tie knots that hold. I had tied a mono leader to a fluoro tippet. I never had a problem with my blood knots before. Maybe I tied it poorly or maybe it was the different materials. Next time I'm tying a Triple Surgeon’s Knot.
By the last 3 days of my trip, I’d decided to lower my standards and fish for trout on the Lower Sac and then, perhaps, try Baum Lake. I was bummed. I stopped in The Fly Shop in Redding before getting my hotel room and heard that with the past few days’ rains, fishing had picked up on the Trinity. I made a bee line for Weaverville. Fishing hard the next day, I landed 2 fish. Not bad. Then, nothing the next 2 days.
Being a bit nervous about leaving the business for so long in this lousy economy and seeing no prospects for great success, I cut the trip short by a few days.
I can’t wait until next year. |
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 04 March 2009 ) |
The_Keeper_of_the_Light |
Look, Up In the Sky... It\'s a Bird, It\'s a Plane,
Mar 24 2009 01:45:19 It's....
The Shepherd! ![]() Baaarucie, The Shepherd is currently sitting at the computer wearing a Superman cape, pondering just how savvy any one particular trader can possibly be! Some of the smarter sheeople are probably asking themselves: "Why would the Shepherd be wearing a Superman cape since the Shepherd is already faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and can jump over really big shit while wearing his normal clothes?" That is of course, a valid question! Sometimes, even the Shepherd suprises himself! As you likely remember, the Shepherd entered this week holding a 7.1% profit on his favorite "Death to Commercial Real Estate!", double derivative leveraged ETF, (which the Shepherd spent 50% of his cash to aquire)! The Shepherd was not happy with himself for holding this leveraged bastard over the weekend, when he noticed futures were up huge, knowing full well he shoulda cashed in! As you also know, the Shepherd does not like to lose! Most smart traders would've simply sold that losing position, taken the hit and chalked it up to the fact that regardless of how gifted one is, that all future HOF traders will eventually not only have a losing week, but hundreds of losing weeks. The Shepherd thinks that notion sucks ass! Not accepting defeat, the Shepherd made the excellent decision to "hedge" his losing position, by spending his remaining cash on FAS @ 6.04 a share in premarket trading. The Shepherd ended up dropping SRS @ 63.46 a share for a 4.2% loss, but ended up selling FAS @ 7.00 a share for a 16% gain! The Shepherd ALWAYS wins! |
#12846 |
The_Keeper_of_the_Light |
Re:Look, Up In the Sky... It\'s a Bird, It\'s a Plane,
Mar 24 2009 01:48:15 The Shepherd also feels compelled to inform you that he's a mere 4-5 "typical" trades away from "doubling up" for the first time this year! How close are you to "doubling up"?????
![]() The Shepherd - He who ALWAYS wins! |
#12847 |
Carpy |
doubling up???
Mar 24 2009 02:05:22 more like doubling over!!
![]() Paul |
#12848 |
Arizona Bruce |
Re:Look, Up In the Sky... It\'s a Bird, It\'s a Plane,
Mar 24 2009 14:24:12 Glad you're making tons of money, Shep. You'll be able to take me out to a really nice restaurant during the autumn steelhead season, when the Dow doesn't fall to 6,000 by 4/15/09!
Keep good records. Scottrade will report to the IRS, and you'll have to document your wins/losses in detail to give Uncle Sam his cut. You may need an accountant for this year. I've heard that steel stocks are on the rise. You buying? |
#12852 |
The_Keeper_of_the_Light |
Re:Look, Up In the Sky... It\'s a Bird, It\'s a Plane,
Mar 27 2009 13:27:18 Baaarucie,
The Shepherd just moved "all in" on his favorite "Death to the Russell 1000 x3" ETF in pre-market trading! All in baby! Diversification is for pussies! The Shepherd |
#12876 |
Arizona Bruce |
Re:Humbled By Steel
Mar 27 2009 15:46:15 Sheeepherd,
To spare our community from this megalomaniac drivel, I'll be PM'ing you from here on out on your kick-ass financial skills. BTW, I'm incommunicado from 3/30 - 4/8. Gotta go back east and see what can be done about mom's deteriorating condition. Slow but steady (at least now) Baaarucie |
#12878 |
The_Keeper_of_the_Light |
Re:Humbled By Steel
Apr 01 2009 19:48:29 Arizona Bruce wrote:
Sheeepherd, To spare our community from this megalomaniac drivel, I'll be PM'ing you from here on out on your kick-ass financial skills. BTW, I'm incommunicado from 3/30 - 4/8. Gotta go back east and see what can be done about mom's deteriorating condition. Slow but steady (at least now) Baaarucie Baaarucie, The Shepherd feels that you have been quite humble on this thread, and that you're contributions in such, are not drivel. ![]() The sophmore jinx continues to plague the Shepherd and the Shepherd has still not been able to find his timing yet this year. The Shepherd ended up selling 70% of his "all-in" position on FAZ last Friday @ a .22 per share loss, erroding some of the Shepherds weekly profits. Not good. The Shepherd did however sell his remaining 30% holding of FAZ at 23.02 this week. A nice 16% gain for the Shepherd on that transaction! The Shepherd also purchased a 24% position in OLN @14.10 a share, and plans to hold Olin until they announce earnings later this month! The Shepherd (fast and furious, as always) |
#12945 |
The_Keeper_of_the_Light |
Re:Humbled By Steel
Apr 03 2009 20:55:45 Baaarucie,
The Shepherd was smart enough to not make anymore moves this week as he saw the event where "Mark to Market" officially became "Mark to Make Believe" coming. The shorts got brutally pummelled these last two days. That of course, buys the Shepherd even better entry points when shorting becomes profitable sometime late next week! The Shepherd's long OLN position has already given the Shepherd a +7.1% gain going into this weekend! The Shepherd, ALWAYS wins! The Shepherd |
#12974 |
The_Keeper_of_the_Light |
Re:Humbled By Steel
Apr 09 2009 18:07:31 Baarucie,
The Shepherd feels compelled to inform you that the Shepherd's continuous streak of week's of ALWAYS winning has come to an abrupt end. The Shepherd finally got caught on the wrong side of the 3X leverage of his favorite "Death to the Russ 1000" ETF and lost huge today. The Shepherd just sold a 40% position in FAZ at a loss of 4.83 a share literally eroding the profits the Shepherd has made over the last 3 weeks or so. This was all due to the entire R1000 rallying because those [expletive deleted] at WFC reported that they're gonna make money! Another total [expletive deleted] "Yes we can!" limp-wristed, polesmokers rally that the Shepherd simply didn't see coming. This should be no big deal to Senor Shepherd, since in the end, the Shepherd ALWAYS wins, and the Shepherd will make up the cash that he lost this week in the next two! However this losing [expletive deleted] sucks MAJOR [expletive deleted] and the Shepherd is mad enough right now to go kick sheeople down sewer manholes, let mountain lions lose in the local Wells Fargo branch, and kick Lil' Timmy Geithner in the [expletive deleted] repeatedly until his [near-expletive deleted] falls off! The Shepherd |
#13017 |
Arizona Bruce |
Apr 09 2009 18:36:55 As you know, Baaarucie holds a small position in WFC, you remember, the one you told me to sell before this week.
Worry not. I have faith that the Caped CruTrader shall receive everything that he has earned. |
#13018 |
Arizona Bruce |
And, stop swearing!
Apr 09 2009 18:39:07 Oh, you have such a potty-mouth.
(Do you think that, perhaps, I spent a little too much time with Mom on my recent trip back east?) |
#13019 |
The_Keeper_of_the_Light |
Re:And, stop swearing!
Apr 10 2009 04:06:09 Arizona Bruce wrote:
(Do you think that, perhaps, I spent a little too much time with Mom on my recent trip back east?) Baaarucie, No, you've always been a big pussy! However that's probably pretty good advice considering how Buzz springs major wood and gets waaay too overly excited with his Hitleration attempts! Either way losing does NOT suit the Shepherd well. The Shepherd will unfortunately have to wait until next week to make his cash back since the Street is taking tomorrow off in honor of the birth of their Lord and Savior who will ultimately lead them to the promised land! The Shepherd |
#13035 |
Ed Kelleher |
Re:And, stop swearing!
Apr 10 2009 04:09:13 The_Keeper_of_the_Light wrote:
Arizona Bruce wrote: (Do you think that, perhaps, I spent a little too much time with Mom on my recent trip back east?) Baaarucie, ... snip... The Shepherd will unfortunately have to wait until next week to make his cash back since the Street is taking tomorrow off in honor of the birth of their Lord and Savior who will ultimately lead them to the promised land! The Shepherd Well ain't you just the fount of misinformation..... ![]() |
#13036 |
El Rey |
Re:And, stop swearing!
Apr 10 2009 04:21:54 Ed, I'm surprised. You actually read this thread? It is amusing to watch a cunning lingust ply his craft.
#13037 |
fishhawk |
Re:Humbled By Steel
Apr 10 2009 04:48:29 Shepard, Keeper of the darkness ,grim reaper of death or whatever you call yourself today and Barucie
Why don't you guys STFU about you stock trades and actually do some fishing. What did you loose 50 dollars or something like That? ![]() |
#13041 |
Buzz |
Re:And, stop swearing!
Apr 10 2009 05:20:17 Just doing my job dude (and you wouldn't beLIEVE how much they pay me for this).
And I see that you continue to do your job, keeping this lame thread at the top of the list to satisfy your one unquestionably massive attribute, your ego. ![]() |
#13045 |
Arizona Bruce |
Re:And, stop swearing!
Apr 10 2009 14:32:52 Obviously, the Shepherd's lord is green and has presidential likenesses on the front.
#13051 |
Arizona Bruce |
Re:Humbled By Steel
Apr 10 2009 14:41:39 Sheeepherd,
To spare our community from this megalomaniac drivel, I'll be PM'ing you from here on out on your kick-ass financial skills. BTW, I'm incommunicado from 3/30 - 4/8. Gotta go back east and see what can be done about mom's deteriorating condition. Slow but steady (at least now) Baaarucie I posted that on March 27. I'm weak and got drawn back in. No fishing for me for months. Life does suck at times! |
#13052 |
fishhawk |
Re:Humbled By Steel
Apr 10 2009 16:27:19 Barucie
I have a buisness Idea for you. Sell you dying on the vine Photo business in that god forsaken hell hole you call home and Start up a photo studio in Forks. Iam not joking. If you opened a photo studio on main street and named it anything that has to do with the twilight books or movies you would make a killing. Sombody opened a gift store in town that only sells Twilight memorabilia. That place is making a killing. There isn't presently a photographer here doing this. |
#13061 |
Arizona Bruce |
Apr 10 2009 17:06:00 very tempting, but there's still life in my biz.
When you spend more than 25 years building up a fine reputation, it's difficult to pull up stakes and call it quits. As I recall, Forks is a little small. Port Angeles would be more my speed, however, I gotta tell ya that 345 days of blue skies, winter temps in the 50's and summer temps in the 90's (and it's dry heat) is also difficult to leave. The only thing missing is steelhead. |
#13062 |
pgw |
Re:And, stop swearing!
Apr 10 2009 21:10:25 Bump
![]() Paul (not abandoned this bored completely) |
#13076 |
The_Keeper_of_the_Light |
Re:And, stop swearing!
Apr 13 2009 05:50:08 Ed Kelleher wrote:
The_Keeper_of_the_Light wrote: Arizona Bruce wrote: (Do you think that, perhaps, I spent a little too much time with Mom on my recent trip back east?) Baaarucie, ... snip... The Shepherd will unfortunately have to wait until next week to make his cash back since the Street is taking tomorrow off in honor of the birth of their Lord and Savior who will ultimately lead them to the promised land! The Shepherd Well ain't you just the fount of misinformation..... ![]() Ed, The Shepherd was not referring to that bait fisherman from Nazareth. The Shepherd was referring to the human gillnet with the flyrod for the Northern portion of the People's Republic who has taken this "Grapes of Wrath" market hostage! The Shepherd |
#13087 |
The_Keeper_of_the_Light |
Re:Humbled By Steel
Apr 13 2009 06:11:13 fishhawk wrote:
Shepard, Keeper of the darkness ,grim reaper of death or whatever you call yourself today and Barucie Why don't you guys STFU about you stock trades and actually do some fishing. What did you loose 50 dollars or something like That? ![]() Vitrified Melonhead, Master of (expletive deleted by Hitlerator) Idiocy, Two-handed, Washingtonian Monkey-Slapper or whatever it is that you're calling yourself this week, If memory serves you have already been informed that the Shepherd posts whatever he wants, whenever he wants! The Shepherd is ABOVE the posting guidelines that are meant for the Sheeople to follow. There is a reason why the Shepherd leads and the Sheeople like you must follow! The Shepherd suggests that you calm your happy, dumb (expletive deleted by Hitlerator) down, drink a tall glass of STFU, down some Prozac and try to relax your anal retentive self! Should you not comply, the Shepherd will jam a jackhammer up your (expletive deleted by Hitlerator) and drill a hole big enough to install swimming pool! FYI, unfortunately the Shepherd lost substantially more than 50 bucks (add some zeros...) Also FYI, the Shepherd has been catching fish between 20-27" on dry flies! The Shepherd as you may have noticed, is very modest about his superhuman, and uncanny ability to catch every BIG fish present in the river, and does not feel the need to constantly brag about his angling prowess, unlike you and the rest of the inept lineslappers who feel the need to tell the world about every fish that comes to hand. The Shepherd |
#13088 |
The_Keeper_of_the_Light |
Re:And, stop swearing!
Apr 13 2009 06:18:39 Buzz wrote:
Just doing my job dude (and you wouldn't beLIEVE how much they pay me for this). And I see that you continue to do your job, keeping this lame thread at the top of the list to satisfy your one unquestionably massive attribute, your ego. ![]() The Shepherd has numerous massive attributes! You OBVIOUSLY missed the thread where an ill-informed member of the flock, thought that the Shepherd and Uncle Jack were one in the same! |
#13089 |
pgw |
Re:And, stop swearing!
Apr 16 2009 14:18:24 Bump
![]() Paul |
#13114 |

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