What can you say about two guys willing to come out to help catch minnows (I refuse to call them trash fish) on a day when rain is threatening?
I really appreciate you guys coming to help me out and giving up your Saturday. I really had a great time fishing with you and visiting. I can't wait to go fishing with you both again!
Here are some pics from our excursion. We caught lots of little guys, but the big pikeminnows I was hoping to catch mangaged to avoid us.
EricW and NCL working it on the Cresta Reach:
NCL with the big catch of the day (the thing on the end of the line is actually the fish, not the fly):
Close up of the big fish (I had to use the macro setting on the camera to get it focused):
A couple of signal crayfish macking on a dead pikeminnow of a size more along the size we were fishing for:
There a couple more pics from yesterday on my flickr webpage:
I may do a parasite report later this week with some pics of the critters within the fish. Thanks again for all the help! EricW and NCL, you guys are terrific!