Flycasters, San Jose is having a party and everyone’s invited. The one and only Hal Janssen is our headliner and the silent auction and bucket raffles already have over 125 items with a retail value over $41,000. The best part is that all proceeds go to conservation so that donations can increase to groups like the FFF and CSPA on the front line of our water war and striper battles. Sign ups can be made on line, you can even prebid major auction items, and we’ve got $69 Marriott Suite rooms for stayovers.
The Flycasters, Inc. of San Jose Conservation Committee is hosting our annual dinner and fundraiser on Saturday, February 18, 2012 at the Cupertino Quinlan Community Center at 10185 N. Stelling Avenue just north of Stevens Creek Blvd in Cupertino, CA. All proceeds from this gala event will support conservation projects for Steelhead habitat restoration in the Bay Area. All area fly fishing club members, relatives and friends are encouraged to attend and purchase tickets towards the many great raffle, silent auction prizes, and door prizes. Every effort will be made to make you feel welcome.
Our committee has really been hard at work developing a really outstanding array of silent auction and bucket raffle prizes. We already have over 125 prizes with a total estimated retail value of already over $41,000. More are being added every day with great value. We have eight restaurants, Beer and wine valued at over $1,200, we have art, great fly plates, gift baskets, tours of San Francisco, Day Spas, over $13,000 in fly fishing gear including float tubes, rods and reels, about 20 night resort stays and guided fishing trips, five private casting lessons, and lots of flies. We have some great trips in Alaska, Oregon, and a 6 1/2 days trip for 2 anglers at a great Lodge in Argentina. Pre bids are possible on large items by sending a check to Bob Davis who will enter the amount on the bid sheet. If you are not the highest bidder, your check will be returned. Credit cards will be accepted at the party. Bucket raffle tickets are $1 per ticket and cash, check and credit cards will be accepted at the party.
Our headliner is Hal Janssen. If you’ve seen Rivers of a Lost Coast you probably already admire anglers who are really much better at the craft and that’s the kind of guy national known, world class angler, artist, author, and innovator, Hal Janssen is. He has been fly fishing for over 50 years and has fished extensively throughout North and South America for nearly every species of fresh and saltwater fish. Not only will he present his new unique Stillwater fly fishing concepts but no doubt will be very entertaining.
The gala event will begin at 6:00 PM with a social hour with beer, wine, soda and Hors d’oeuvres and an informal buffet dinner beginning at 7:00 PM in a great modern facility, all for only $40/person. Our caterer, Abby Huerta, comes highly recommended with dinner entrees of Salmon Medallions, Tri-Tip with barbeque sauce, and Chicken Breast Marsala.
Advanced reservations are required and can be made by going to the web site,, from the Home Page, use the link to the Online Store for the Annual Dinner and make your reservations early. This event has limited space available. You can see the complete Donors List on our web site which will be updated regularly. Advanced raffle ticket sales are available through the Home Page and will be sold in blocks of 20 for $20. There will be three bucket raffle prizes for non- attendees, so you need not be present to win. The raffle prizes for non-attendees will be a 2 for 1 float fishing trip on the Lower Sacramento River with guide Jim Pettis, a Fat Cat LCS float tube, and a RL Winston or Sage 9 ft. 5 wt. 4 piece fly rod.
Reserve and order your tickets today. We have additional information and on line payment via credit card and PayPal on our web site at: Deadline for reservations is February 8, 2012.
For more information and to get on our mailing list for updates contact:
Chuck Hammerstad
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, 408-997-5460
Jack Hahn
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
, 408-660-5252
Club and Council Fly Tyers are invited to donate flies (up to 2 dozen per box dependent on size) for the silent auction. All flies will be entered into a contest and an award made for the best of show . All Donations to this event are 501(c)3 tax deductible to the extent allowed by law and as evidenced by our Federal EIN Number: 77-0283713.
For Snail Mail or Donations, please send to:
Data Environments
ATTN: Bob Davis
1101 S. Winchester Blvd., Suite L-242, San Jose, CA 95128-3904
tel: 408-218-4292 fax: 408-244-0944
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Don’t miss this evening of socializing, a delicious dinner, an outstanding guest speaker, and great bucket raffle and silent auction prizes for everyone at a reasonable price for the party. Come and support our fundraiser for local fisheries conservation projects as well as supporting other organizations who are working hard on fisheries conservation.
Directions to Cupertino Quinlan Community Center:
From Hwy-85 either North or South: Exit on Stevens Creek Blvd go east and then a half block north on Stelling.
From Hwy-280 North: Exit Hwy-85 South towards Gilroy, Exit Stevens Creek Blvd and then go left, and then a half block north on Stelling.
From Hwy-280 South: Exit De Anza Blvd. Turn left, south and then right on Stevens Creek Blvd, turn right on Hollenbeck and then a half block north on Stelling..
From Hwy-101 North: Exit Hwy-85 South toward Gilroy, Exit Stevens Creek Blvd and go left and then a half block north on Stelling.
From Hwy-101 South: Exit Hwy-237 West and then Hwy-85 South. Exit Stevens Creek Blvd and go left and then a half block north on Stelling.
From Hy-237 South: Exit Hwy-85 South towards Gilroy and then Exit Stevens Creek Blvd, go left and then a half block north on Stelling.
Lodging is available at discounted prices:
The Marriott Courtyard Cupertino Hotel, 10605 North Wolfe Road, Cupertino, (408) 252-910, has reserved 30 rooms for us at: $69 for one queen bed; $79 for two queen beds. Ask for the Flycasters Special.
The Maple Tree Inn, 711 E. El Camino, Sunnyvale 94087, (408) 720-9700 or (800) 423-0243,, between Fair Oaks and Wolfe Road is on the north side of the street before the Safeway Shopping Center. The weekend rates (Friday and Saturday) are: $79 for one bed and $89 for two beds with full breakfast.