mike b (User)
Expert Poster
Posts: 96
Fly Swap Bump 12 Years, 11 Months ago
There ought to be a couple more people who want to swap flies. We've got four so far. I'll give it a few more days. 
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Salman (User)
Gold Poster
Posts: 325
Re:Fly Swap Bump 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Hopefully we get a few more to participate...
I'll be tyeing a CDC Over Ice...well I already started and
have a half dozen done, some for the swap and some for the box. I'll put a pic up soon!
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Carpy (Moderator)
Posts: 759
ok, ok.... 12 Years, 11 Months ago
is there a theme?
I do a great globug
If stupidity got us into this mess,
why can't it get us out of it? - Will Rodgers
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Salman (User)
Gold Poster
Posts: 325
Re:ok, ok.... 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Great...the theme is "your favorite Trout fly"
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mike b (User)
Expert Poster
Posts: 96
You're number 5 12 Years, 11 Months ago
I think we're going to do this. I'll pm everyone with my address in a few days. I'm going to tie either a parachute Adams or a Stimulator. Might even throw in a dropper fly. Mike
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Carpy (Moderator)
Posts: 759
I do a killer 12 Years, 11 Months ago
size 16 salmon egg iminatation
If stupidity got us into this mess,
why can't it get us out of it? - Will Rodgers
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mike b (User)
Expert Poster
Posts: 96
Re:I do a killer 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Scented or unscented? 
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NCL (User)
Gold Poster
Posts: 253
Re:Fly Swap Bump 12 Years, 11 Months ago
You guys have been busy and I haven't even started.
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Re:Fly Swap Bump 12 Years, 11 Months ago
I have plans to tie some Oliver Edward-esque cdc duns this weekend for a trip next month along with a few nymphs... what's the deal with this swap? Theme? how many etc.
"Rivers course through my dreams, rivers cold and fast, rivers well-known and rivers nameless, rivers that seem like ribbons of blue water twisting through wide valleys, narrow rivers folded in layers of darkening shadow, rivers that have eroded down deep in a mountain's belly, sculpted the land, peeled back the planet's history exposing the texture of time itself."
— Harry Middleton (Rivers of Memory)
"Each night as I haul myself onto the back of county garbage truck no. 2, there is a familiar wind, some thread of moonglow or starlight, a splatter of dark rain on my skin, something that stirs my memory, and again, if even for a brief moment, I am on some mountain river, some stretch of bright water, full of possibilities, including the possibility of trout, perhaps one that, when hooked, will haul me in and out of time, in and out of life's mysterious and frightening, wondrous and incomprehensible continuum, even to the edges of the universe." -- Harry Middleton
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NCL (User)
Gold Poster
Posts: 253
Re:Fly Swap Bump 12 Years, 11 Months ago
The theme is "your favorite trout fly" then the idea is to fish the respective flies you get and do a report.
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Carpy (Moderator)
Posts: 759
scented?? 12 Years, 11 Months ago
are you implying that my fingers smell like Dr. Juice??
If stupidity got us into this mess,
why can't it get us out of it? - Will Rodgers
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Salman (User)
Gold Poster
Posts: 325
Mine are done 12 Years, 11 Months ago
2 dozen tied , enough for 2 each plus a few extra.
I would post a pic if my cammera didn't see so blurry 
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