As many of you know, I lost my beloved Vamp last motn to cancer. As much as i missed her, Ruby missed her more. Ruby has always been in a 2 dog family, so she felt alone. Even though she get more of my attention, she having another dog to smell and sleep with. So I knew that I would get another dog, but it would have to wait until I came back from my flyfishing trip to Scotland. Yep, I would be fishing for Atlantic Salmon and sampling the offerrings of the whisky distilleries. My friends walked, fed and played with Ruby every day. I called her on the phone from Europe. But she was still lonely and cried.
So when I got back, I sat about to find us a pack mate. Last Saturday, I drove to the animal friends connections in Lodi and met Anna. Anna passed the Ruby test and now is her bud. Anna is about 14 months old border collie/pit mix. She was in foster care for the last 5 months and was house trained. She is adorable and as expected for a very young adult dog full of puppy energy.
So while I will always miss my beloved Vamp, I opened up my heart to Anna.