I don't know what you guys are talking about but I fish with dough bait all the time on the Putah. Artificial lures are the name of my game. Use what works is my motto. I got caught one time and I told the ranger that I had never fished before and didn't know any better so he let me go. I also love killing trout. It's great. I have my friend Freddy toss the trout at me and I swing an oar as hard as I can cutting the fish in a million pieces. Sometimes when I catch ten or more trout I'll line them up in a line on the road and run em all over with my 72 Bronco.
If any of you slick young men want to fish by my side, e-mail me as soon as possible. I want to get our lures dippin as soon as possible.
(ADMIN: Originally published here: http://www.../archive3.cgi?read=58334 )