Well, after two weeks home in Hawaii, I'm back and freezing my ass off. I didn't get too much fishing time in, but I did get to try out my new two weight (thanks, slo, it casts awesome!!).
My days there were spent mostly with family. The holidays, especially New Years, are big family times in Hawaii. I think my wife and I payed for only two dinners ourselves. The rest of the time we were at family parties or dinners. Great food and memories.
Before getting into my fishing reports, I just want to say that I am really thankful for the time that I got to spend with my grandmothers. They're getting older (aren't we all), and, being up here, I don't know how many more times I'll have with them. My time with my grandmother in Hilo was especially precious, as her health is not that great. This year was also important because it we had a ten year memorial service for my grandfather on my father's side. All six of his children and all of his grandchildren went to Hilo for the service, and it was the first time since the funeral that we've all been together.
On to the fishing
As I mentioned, I didn't get out that much. I did get to hit one stream, but, contrary to the reports I got from a friend, it didn't have any small mouth in it. As I also mentioned, though, the rod casted very nicely. I did pick up a three inch mosquito fish (a big guppy) on a #20 nymph.
The rest of the time was spent with spinning gear in the ocean.
I spent one evening with a couple of friends casting to reef pockets with curlytails. It was a gorgeous night, warm, but not sticky hot, and we had a cold pack of beer, so that quickly degenerated into a BS session
Most of the other fishing trips were just about the same. We picked up some fish, but mostly spent time hanging out. One trip that was memorable, though, was with my uncle and cousins in Hilo. My uncle found a brackish water spot that holds big nenue (rudderfish). This spot is at the outflow of a spring-fed freshwater pond, and there is a swift current flowing out to the ocean. There's some big lava rocks here and they form deep channels , so it's kind of like fishing a fast stream.
My uncle found that big nenue gather here. Nenue seaweed shrimp, squid and crabs, but we've found the best bait for them is bread. They're very smart, though, so the bread has to float freely. Did I also mention that they grow very large (7 lbs +) and very strong (big ones break off 25 lb test regularly)? What we do is throw out chunks of bread into the current for a few minutes. Eventually, you see/hear (it's at night) these huge explosions out of the water as the nenue blast the bread. Now, using a long spinning rod, you freeline a hook baited with bread into the current, and let your line float downstream. Hammer the fish when you feel the line running out at a faster rate than the current is flowing, or when you actually feel the tug.
It's a blast having on of these on. We were using 25 lb test spectra, and I never did feel secure enough to horse on in. those fish just get out there and pull.
Naturally, I started thinking about Ffing opportunities. A white puffball dead drifted should do the trick, but what size setup would hold them? I'm thinking you need at least a 10 wt. A two pound fish would completely blow up my 8 wt.
Anyway, I won't lie and say that it's good to be back. I actually don't like visiting Hawaii because it's so hard to leave home at the end of the trip. My younger cousins grow up, my older relatives grow older, and I miss it all. My trips to Hawaii only strengthen my resolve to get my act together (finish grad school, save money, etc) so I can move home for good. Until then, though, I'll be alright as long as I keep a line wet
Hope everyone's holidays went well. I'll be reading old posts for days before I catch up.