I met up with Carpy and SST at SST's house in Paradise and
we proceeded up the North Fork of the Feather for a day of
rainbow hunting. Had a great time fishing the pocket water for
feisty rainbows. I had some success with a sz. 14 yellow stimulator
and a size 16 hares ear. For lunch we stopped in Belden for a burger -
pretty good food and a friendly waitress...thanks for lunch Carpy. Never
have been into the town there. After that we went up Carabou Rd - the
fishing was good...just watch out for those blackberry bushes...below
are a few pics.
Carpy and SST getting ready for lunch in Belden:
SST workin' it:
SST with fish:
Carpy workin' it:
Carpy with fish:
Rattlesnake we ran into while hiking out - looks like he just ate: