I loved the board; it was a daily part of my life. I've made some great friendships with guys I met on the NCFFB and, as a newbie 10 years ago, the board certainly shortened my learning curve. I still feel badly about the diminished participation on the board, which I think WAS because there was a lot of nastiness. Much of it was directed at me, and eventually I thought, "I don't need this sh*t in my life", so I ended up moving on, for the most part. I think, though, that a lot of the enmity turned people off, and they left too. Then there was the perfect storm with the new format and the alternative board attracted a percentage of the most, uh, colorful fly guys. No one has mentioned Facebook. I'm uncertain if it came out at that time, but I know that I now spend a lot of time there. Well, just my 2 cents.