lee s. (User)
Junior Poster
Posts: 37
Re:OBIT: Passing of the NCFFB 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Hey Dave,
I lost your phone #  ......fix it!!!
....lee s.
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Don (User)
Fresh Poster
Posts: 19
Re:OBIT: Passing of the NCFFB 13 Years, 9 Months ago
I lurk from time to time, checking in to see if anything has changed. It hasn't. Same two pictures on the Home Page from two years ago. But I have very fond memories of all the folks who helped me out when I had just gotten started back in '99. Enjoyed several Bash events. And many mini-Bashes.
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. -Thomas Jefferson
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Re:OBIT: Passing of the NCFFB 13 Years, 9 Months ago
People got tired of asshats like PGW and CharlieS? Wow, what a surprise....
And for all the shit I got on my way out how dumb does this quote look now?
Re:the private board explained 2 Years, 11 Months ago
SloFly wrote:
"You got to love a guy that leaves everything behind to move to another state in the persuit of marijuana. Maybe he thinks this is the High Times board and is still pissed off at getting a short bag from his dealer. That will teach him to bring his own scale next time.
He should come to the Bash so we can support him with a group bong hit."
And where do you get this from? I moved to Oregon because I am smart enough to foresee the water rights issues headed your way and the incredibly over-inflated house prices in Ca. I grew up in a valley that was "unbuildable" due to water rights that now has 5K houses. Does that sound like a stoner?
Not to mention my love for steelies. You guys love the trinity? That is the Putah Creek of Oregon.
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Re:OBIT: Passing of the NCFFB 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Haven't changed much have you....glad you are enjoying yourself with the other tweekers.
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SloFly (User)
Expert Poster
Posts: 117
Re:OBIT: Passing of the NCFFB 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Awwww shucks (kicks dirt....) It humbles me when I'm right on the mark. Sorry you are so butthurt about it. Don't let the keyboard hit you in the ass on your way out the second time.
PS: who are you again?
sierratrout wrote:
People got tired of asshats like PGW and CharlieS? Wow, what a surprise....
And for all the shit I got on my way out how dumb does this quote look now?
Re:the private board explained 2 Years, 11 Months ago
SloFly wrote:
"You got to love a guy that leaves everything behind to move to another state in the persuit of marijuana. Maybe he thinks this is the High Times board and is still pissed off at getting a short bag from his dealer. That will teach him to bring his own scale next time.
He should come to the Bash so we can support him with a group bong hit."
And where do you get this from? I moved to Oregon because I am smart enough to foresee the water rights issues headed your way and the incredibly over-inflated house prices in Ca. I grew up in a valley that was "unbuildable" due to water rights that now has 5K houses. Does that sound like a stoner?
Not to mention my love for steelies. You guys love the trinity? That is the Putah Creek of Oregon.
A few things you need to know about me:
I has been known to cure narcolepsy, just by walking into the room. My organ donation card, also lists my beard. I'm a lover, not a fighter, but I'm also a fighter, so don’t get any ideas. When it is raining, it is because I'm sad. Even my parents’ advice is insightful. If there were an interesting gland, mine would be larger than most men’s entire lower intestines. My shirts never wrinkle. I am left-handed. And right-handed. Even if I forget to put postage on my mail, it gets there. I once knew a call was a wrong number, even though the person on the other end wouldn’t admit it. You can see my charisma from space. The police often question me, just because they find me interesting. I once punched a magician. That’s right. You heard me. When I order a salad, I get the dressing right there on top of the salad, where it belongs…where there is no turning back. If a monument was built in my honor, Mt. Rushmore would close, due to poor attendance. My beard alone has experienced more than a lesser man’s entire body. My blood smells like cologne. On every continent in the world, there is a sandwich named after me. I don't believe in using oven mitts, nor potholders. My cereal never gets soggy. It sits there, staying crispy, just for me. My pillow talk is years ahead of it’s time. Respected archaeologists fight over my discarded apple cores. I have always been known to rock the casba. Birds have never defecated on my car. I never rock climb with ropes, I feel they are for pussies. I once buried a time capsule full of things that haven’t happened yet. I have been pronounced dead 7 times…make that 8. My bear hugs are actually hugs I give to bears. I can’t be bought, but my beard clippings have been know to show up on ebay. I have never lost a sock. If I disagree with you, it is because you are wrong. My reputation expands faster than the universe. I once had an awkward moment, just to see what it felt like. I live vicariously through myself. Happy Hour is the hour after everyone from happy hour has left. I sleep with a night light, not because I'm afraid of the dark but the dark is afraid of me. I hold a doctorate in originality in which I teach at Harvard where no one ever passes. When I go skydiving Peregrine Falcons always trail behind me. The President of a country once took a bullet for me on a failed attempt. When I look in the mirror there's never a reflection because I am only 1 of a kind. I can defeat anyone in a game of chess without making any moves. It is rumored that James Bond movies are my real life biography. I once gave an autograph in sign language. I didn’t just taste fear… I ordered seconds of it. Restaurants offer me my usual table, even if I've never been there. Stray dogs obey my commands. The Spanish Civil War was started by two women fighting over me. Waiters Tip me. After hearing me play guitar, Hendrix decided life was not worth living. In Pamplona, the bulls run with me. I traveled to the edge of the world…and proved the world was flat. I once fought myself…and won. I took the McChicken off the dollar menu. It has been said that I beat 2 pac and biggie in a rap battle…thats why they killed each other. My tan never goes away. I painted my house with my beard. After seeing me dance…Michael Jackson died of cardiac arrest. I blow a .000…after putting down a case. I went skinny dipping…with my clothes on. Hookers ask me how much? I am so elusive, I can escape anything, even black holes. When a camera points at me, it never goes out of focus. I can strangle you with a cordless phone. I went to Mars, and that is why there is no life there. When I do a pushup, I'm not lifting myself up, I'm pushing the Earth down. I don't read books, I stare them down until they give me the information I need. There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures I allow to live. It takes me 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes. I am The Most Interesting Man In The World.
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Re:OBIT: Passing of the NCFFB 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Thanks sugar, miss you too.
So I've been upgraded to tweeker? Awesome!
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Re:OBIT: Passing of the NCFFB 13 Years, 9 Months ago
I'm glad I came back just so I could check out that super original signature you got there.
It is a bummer you bunch of asshats killed this place, used to be pretty cool.
Just ask your mom who I am, she knows.....
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SloFly (User)
Expert Poster
Posts: 117
Re:OBIT: Passing of the NCFFB 13 Years, 9 Months ago
My mom said after she flushed her memory of you started to fade.
sierratrout wrote:
I'm glad I came back just so I could check out that super original signature you got there.
It is a bummer you bunch of asshats killed this place, used to be pretty cool.
Just ask your mom who I am, she knows.....
A few things you need to know about me:
I has been known to cure narcolepsy, just by walking into the room. My organ donation card, also lists my beard. I'm a lover, not a fighter, but I'm also a fighter, so don’t get any ideas. When it is raining, it is because I'm sad. Even my parents’ advice is insightful. If there were an interesting gland, mine would be larger than most men’s entire lower intestines. My shirts never wrinkle. I am left-handed. And right-handed. Even if I forget to put postage on my mail, it gets there. I once knew a call was a wrong number, even though the person on the other end wouldn’t admit it. You can see my charisma from space. The police often question me, just because they find me interesting. I once punched a magician. That’s right. You heard me. When I order a salad, I get the dressing right there on top of the salad, where it belongs…where there is no turning back. If a monument was built in my honor, Mt. Rushmore would close, due to poor attendance. My beard alone has experienced more than a lesser man’s entire body. My blood smells like cologne. On every continent in the world, there is a sandwich named after me. I don't believe in using oven mitts, nor potholders. My cereal never gets soggy. It sits there, staying crispy, just for me. My pillow talk is years ahead of it’s time. Respected archaeologists fight over my discarded apple cores. I have always been known to rock the casba. Birds have never defecated on my car. I never rock climb with ropes, I feel they are for pussies. I once buried a time capsule full of things that haven’t happened yet. I have been pronounced dead 7 times…make that 8. My bear hugs are actually hugs I give to bears. I can’t be bought, but my beard clippings have been know to show up on ebay. I have never lost a sock. If I disagree with you, it is because you are wrong. My reputation expands faster than the universe. I once had an awkward moment, just to see what it felt like. I live vicariously through myself. Happy Hour is the hour after everyone from happy hour has left. I sleep with a night light, not because I'm afraid of the dark but the dark is afraid of me. I hold a doctorate in originality in which I teach at Harvard where no one ever passes. When I go skydiving Peregrine Falcons always trail behind me. The President of a country once took a bullet for me on a failed attempt. When I look in the mirror there's never a reflection because I am only 1 of a kind. I can defeat anyone in a game of chess without making any moves. It is rumored that James Bond movies are my real life biography. I once gave an autograph in sign language. I didn’t just taste fear… I ordered seconds of it. Restaurants offer me my usual table, even if I've never been there. Stray dogs obey my commands. The Spanish Civil War was started by two women fighting over me. Waiters Tip me. After hearing me play guitar, Hendrix decided life was not worth living. In Pamplona, the bulls run with me. I traveled to the edge of the world…and proved the world was flat. I once fought myself…and won. I took the McChicken off the dollar menu. It has been said that I beat 2 pac and biggie in a rap battle…thats why they killed each other. My tan never goes away. I painted my house with my beard. After seeing me dance…Michael Jackson died of cardiac arrest. I blow a .000…after putting down a case. I went skinny dipping…with my clothes on. Hookers ask me how much? I am so elusive, I can escape anything, even black holes. When a camera points at me, it never goes out of focus. I can strangle you with a cordless phone. I went to Mars, and that is why there is no life there. When I do a pushup, I'm not lifting myself up, I'm pushing the Earth down. I don't read books, I stare them down until they give me the information I need. There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures I allow to live. It takes me 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes. I am The Most Interesting Man In The World.
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pgw (User)
Platinum Poster!
Posts: 465
Re:OBIT: Passing of the NCFFB 13 Years, 9 Months ago
I'll type slowly and use small words so even a person with a diminished capacity of thought and reason caused by over exposure to narcotics has the ability to understand…I am honored to be mentioned in the same post as Charlie and SLO.
Now be a good little boy and get the fuck out of here…again.
Last Edit: 2011/05/20 15:03 By pgw.
Reason: !@#$%^&*
"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend...and inside a dog, it is too dark to read!" G. Marx
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Re:OBIT: Passing of the NCFFB 13 Years, 9 Months ago
So the test was negative? Thank god. Last thing we need is more Sloflies running around.
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Re:OBIT: Passing of the NCFFB 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Sorry dude, your going to have to type slower, I am so whacked out on narcotics I'm only half way through Slofly's witty signature. Maybe next week I can get to your response.
Kinda seems like everybody left eh? With such open minded, well rounded people like you I just can't understand why. Maybe you can explain it to me, but type slowly please, I just did more narcotics.
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SloFly (User)
Expert Poster
Posts: 117
Re:OBIT: Passing of the NCFFB 13 Years, 9 Months ago
We're done. I just remembered how unfair it is to engage in a battle of wits against someone unarmed. Don't get too down on yourself though - you must be special to someone sunshine. Now that Thully is gone I'm sure you will find another love real thoon thilly gooth.
sierratrout wrote:
So the test was negative? Thank god. Last thing we need is more Sloflies running around.
A few things you need to know about me:
I has been known to cure narcolepsy, just by walking into the room. My organ donation card, also lists my beard. I'm a lover, not a fighter, but I'm also a fighter, so don’t get any ideas. When it is raining, it is because I'm sad. Even my parents’ advice is insightful. If there were an interesting gland, mine would be larger than most men’s entire lower intestines. My shirts never wrinkle. I am left-handed. And right-handed. Even if I forget to put postage on my mail, it gets there. I once knew a call was a wrong number, even though the person on the other end wouldn’t admit it. You can see my charisma from space. The police often question me, just because they find me interesting. I once punched a magician. That’s right. You heard me. When I order a salad, I get the dressing right there on top of the salad, where it belongs…where there is no turning back. If a monument was built in my honor, Mt. Rushmore would close, due to poor attendance. My beard alone has experienced more than a lesser man’s entire body. My blood smells like cologne. On every continent in the world, there is a sandwich named after me. I don't believe in using oven mitts, nor potholders. My cereal never gets soggy. It sits there, staying crispy, just for me. My pillow talk is years ahead of it’s time. Respected archaeologists fight over my discarded apple cores. I have always been known to rock the casba. Birds have never defecated on my car. I never rock climb with ropes, I feel they are for pussies. I once buried a time capsule full of things that haven’t happened yet. I have been pronounced dead 7 times…make that 8. My bear hugs are actually hugs I give to bears. I can’t be bought, but my beard clippings have been know to show up on ebay. I have never lost a sock. If I disagree with you, it is because you are wrong. My reputation expands faster than the universe. I once had an awkward moment, just to see what it felt like. I live vicariously through myself. Happy Hour is the hour after everyone from happy hour has left. I sleep with a night light, not because I'm afraid of the dark but the dark is afraid of me. I hold a doctorate in originality in which I teach at Harvard where no one ever passes. When I go skydiving Peregrine Falcons always trail behind me. The President of a country once took a bullet for me on a failed attempt. When I look in the mirror there's never a reflection because I am only 1 of a kind. I can defeat anyone in a game of chess without making any moves. It is rumored that James Bond movies are my real life biography. I once gave an autograph in sign language. I didn’t just taste fear… I ordered seconds of it. Restaurants offer me my usual table, even if I've never been there. Stray dogs obey my commands. The Spanish Civil War was started by two women fighting over me. Waiters Tip me. After hearing me play guitar, Hendrix decided life was not worth living. In Pamplona, the bulls run with me. I traveled to the edge of the world…and proved the world was flat. I once fought myself…and won. I took the McChicken off the dollar menu. It has been said that I beat 2 pac and biggie in a rap battle…thats why they killed each other. My tan never goes away. I painted my house with my beard. After seeing me dance…Michael Jackson died of cardiac arrest. I blow a .000…after putting down a case. I went skinny dipping…with my clothes on. Hookers ask me how much? I am so elusive, I can escape anything, even black holes. When a camera points at me, it never goes out of focus. I can strangle you with a cordless phone. I went to Mars, and that is why there is no life there. When I do a pushup, I'm not lifting myself up, I'm pushing the Earth down. I don't read books, I stare them down until they give me the information I need. There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures I allow to live. It takes me 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes. I am The Most Interesting Man In The World.
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