Okay, ya'all know that doomsday has been rescheduled for Oct. 21.
Right Harold?
He really should go Camping!
Meanwhile while you folks are talking about obituaries,I'm doing my best to keep the fly fishing community alive here in Oroville.
The fishing on the Valley Streams has been pretty good and is improving.
There are the unspeakables, that if uttered a word of such would make a good man go bad on whoever speaks of the unspeakables.
So..Nuf said 'bout unspeakables.
Then there's SHAD! Yes, they are here!
Reports are coming in from the Sac of fish being caught everywhere from Colusa, the Washout at Bidwell State Park, all the way up to Red Bluff.
On the Feather the river is big and pushy at 10,000CFS below the outlet, but the fish are there. My buddy and I managed to catch a few fish last Sunday afternoon on an exploratory drift down the High flow in the Oroville Wildlife area. Lots of water! A beautiful green color with 6- 8 ft visibility with no grass or moss to foul your gear.Yet a bit too high with very few fishable areas in comparision to flows between 3500 and 6500 cfs.
However the Feather is shaping up for a great year of fishing until at least Oct. 21st!
Remember Harold, you must have a permit from the CHP to be Camping at the outlet!
Only God knows!
Enjoy the Spring! Bentrods and big smiles! FRG/CB