I've been back for a few days and as I sit here sipping my 12 year old McCallan's, I again want to thank all of you who chimed in with suggestions for my camping "spirits". The flask was empty all too soon!
My youngest brother, Steve, and I hiked up Elk Creek, a trib of the Conejos River in south central CO. We'd been wanting to do this for years, but back problems prevented Steve from backpacking, until 2 operations put him right. We'd planned to hike 25 miles in 5 days, but the kid (he's 51) didn't listen to his older brother and didn't work out enough in prep for the trip.
Overpacked, with almost 50 pounds on our backs, he pooped out after 6 miles in 2 days. He doesn't fish, so on the 3rd day while he rested, I fished the Second Meadows section of Elk, which is like a spring creek. The browns took stimulators and pink San Juan worm droppers. Nice fish, up to about 17".
Steve punked-out early and I had about 5 days to devote to fishing. I hit the upper Conejos for browns, and caught a few but nothing to write home about. They were hitting gray drakes, a fly I'd never used. (I'm not much of a trout fisher, devoting most of my time to anadromous fish.) I considered heading over to the San Juan River after the Conejos but opted, instead, to look for Rio Grande Cutts. I'd caught a couple before and they're really stunning fish.
With some fly shop info, I headed to Big Lake near Platoro. There are creeks and lakes all over this area. I camped at the lake, 3 miles from my car, and in a day and a half caught plenty of these gorgeous fish up to 17". I forgot my stove fuel, and learned that oatmeal with walnuts and dates isn't bad with just cold water, but dehydrated food remains a bit crunchy. Hell, if you're hungry you'll eat anything!