Thanks Mitch,truth be known that was the best of three attempts,
this polar chenile is a pain to get looking right..sometimes I am my
worst critic
Hook...TMC 5263 #6-10
Beadhead...copper 1/8" or 5/32 on the larger hooks
Thread...Uni 8/0 brown
Tail...Burnt Orange Marribou with a few strands of fine copper flash
Body...Polar Chenile Olive Brown..pull strands toward tail as you wrap forward then trimmed to shape and desired length
Hackle..Chinese Neck Ginger or Reddish Brown sized to match body
Trim chenile to shape before applying hackle, leave a few long strands extending over tail but just a few as too many will restrict the motion of the marribou
Tie a few and give them a try !