Inspired by all of the nice reports of late I decided that regardless of the outcome I was going to do a report on my outing to a river that is west of Redding. Things started off shakey when I awoke later than usual. The spirit was willing but the body said you stay up late I don't wake up. But still there are no time clocks to punch when you go fishing I went later than I wanted. I decided that since I was going to do a report I would take a camera just in case I found a willing player, usually for me a "kiss of death" to catching anything.
Loaded all the needed gear, did the idiot check and all the key items were there but I had a nagging feeling I was forgetting something. I did but it was not critical to the outing. On the drive over I was trying to decide if I should stay high near Douglas City or go lower near Junction City. Since I had my spey rod I decided to head for Junction City. I was surprided by the amount of residual snow still around Buckhorn. My first view of the river and it looked good the color was nice and it didn't seem to high.
The first place I was going to try was occupied so I continued on. I was surprised by the number of fishermen I saw. I think I saw more people yesterday than on some trips in November.
I finally arrived at a run that I like. It was much higher water than last time I was there which may wading a little more difficult and definetly changed how I fished it. The top part of the run produced nothing. About halfway down the run it happened, the tug and then the head shake. The rest of the day produced nothing other than a near miss at a good soaking in the river when I slipped.
The weather was nice, about 52 with a few scattered clouds, river is in good shape,overall a good day.