For probably at least the past 20 years I have had the Smith River on my list of places to fish. For one reason or another I have never made it up there until this week, when I went up with a group from the STFF Club. Due to a commitment I was only able to stay one of the two planned fish days. On Tuesday there were about 12 of us scattered the length of the various forks. I stayed on the main stem due to my desire to catch a steelhead on the "swing". I would love to report that everyone scored numerous and big fish but, alas, that was not the case, there was not one fish hooked and only one fish was seen. The Smith is an incredibly beautiful river and worth the trip. Would I go back? In a heart beat would be the answer, although I would say it is not the friendliest fly fishing river due to it structure.
Next on my list, the Eel River which will have to wait until next year.